Dear fellow Guate Partnership group members,
I imagine some of you have heard from Virgilio that Gloria got to Guatemala Monday. We've exchanged occasional e-mails with Juan Carlos and his latest one this week included the following message about Gloria's arrival. Anyone who wants to help me improve my Spanish is please to send me a private e-mail with corrections
. Mary
From: Juan Carlos DeLeon Ventura:
Hola Mary y Bob,
Felicidades por el amor tan grande que sienten por ser abuelos, es otra etapa que nos presenta la vida.
Congratulations for the great love you are experiencing in being grandparents, another stage that life gives to us.
Gloria ya llego en ACG, lo fuimos encontrar en el aeropuerto de Guatemala, ahora ya esta en el Quiche, iniciando una planificacion en los multiples trabajos que lo espera en ACG.
Gloria has arrrived en ACG, and we went to meet her at the Guatemala City airport; now she is in Quiche, beginning to plan/organize for the many tasks that await her at ACG.
Todo bien sin novedad.
All is fine as usual.
Por favor de avisar a los resto de Grupo de Chicago que ACG esta pasando en momentos historicos de tener otra voluntaria mas, con en unico fin de mejorar la relacion, el trabajo y conjunto buscar una paz para el pueblo guatemalteco (indigena).
Please let the rest of the Chicago group know that ACG is experiencing an historic moment in having another volunteer, with the purpose or end result being improving our relationships and the work, so that together we search for peace for the indigenous people of Guatemala.
Hasta luego
Juan Carlos